Develop Industry Skills
- To improve utilization of existing cold storage capacity
- To support the cold storage sector to grow as a profitable industry
- To promote investment in the sector
Cold storage sector grows as a profitable sector
- 10 product-wise cold storage manuals published
- 10 training modules on cold storage operations launched
- International-level cold chain conference organized
- Cold storage capacity in Vietnam reached 0.116 m3 per capita, third highest in Asia Pacific.
- In 2020, 66.7% of Vietnam’s cold storage facilities were used by export manufacturers.
- Bangladesh Cold Storage Association (BCSA)
- Cold Storage businesses and operators
- Online Training Resources by GCCA (Password protected)
What BTF is doing
BTF is taking an industry approach to establish capacities of individuals and entities on cold storage requirements and operations. The project partners with the private sector to improve awareness and disseminate knowledge on processes and procedures, guidelines and manuals.
Perishable product handling manuals are being developed by the project which will be used to improve the operational efficiency of cold storage facilities.
The project is organizing training on cold chain industry, specific areas including technical, operations, financing, and business management, etc. Online training curriculums are also developed by the project.