Bangladesh Trade Facilitation

WTO Notifications


  • To fulfill Bangladesh’s obligation on WTO Notification
  • To complete and notify pending Notification

Bangladesh becomes a compliant country in the WTO


Bangladesh submitted Domestic Support Notification after 15 years

Best Practice

Australia and Canada submit regular notifications to the WTO.


  • Ministry of Commerce
  • Ministry of Agriculture and its allied agencies
  • Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock & its allied agencies
  • Ministry of Power Energy and Mineral Resources

What BTF is doing

Bangladesh as a member of WTO is obligated to notify certain trade measures under different Agreements. The Agreement on Agriculture requires the notification by members in a WTO-prescribed format on areas like market access with respect to tariff, quotas, safeguard provisions, domestic support including Aggregate Measurement of Support, export subsidies, prohibitions and restrictions, etc.

The specific number and level of notification depends on the commitments set by the countries.

Bangladesh had sent its last notifications under the Agreement on Agriculture in 2007. Since then a number of reform measures have been taken and multiple policies had changed which were not notified to the WTO. BTF as part of its vision to make Bangladesh a trusted trading partner and to improve the level of trade transparency in the country is supporting the Ministry of Commerce to coordinate and compile all necessary information for submitting the notifications in due time, The project is also working with the agencies to develop their capacity in the Notifications System of the WTO so future notifications can be developed by the agencies themselves and the Ministry of Commerce can efficiently coordinate the activities.