Bangladesh Trade Facilitation

Department of Livestock Services Visited Japan to Understand Risk-based Clearance Process of Animal and Animal Products

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Department of Livestock Services Visited Japan to Understand Risk-based Clearance Process of Animal and Animal Products

Officials of the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) completed a best practice visit to Japan hosted by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and organized by the USDA-funded Bangladesh Trade Facilitation (BTF) project.The purpose of thevisit was to help DLS officials involved in export-import procedures to gain an understanding of the best practices for managing risks while facilitating cross-border trade of animals and animal products, including livestock feed. BTF supported the exposure visit as part of the project’s capacity-building activities and to promote efforts to make the goods clearance process more time and cost-efficient by introducing a data-driven and scientific approach and to help Bangladesh comply with its World Trade Organization, Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) obligations. Senior official from Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock also joined the visit.